Wednesday, August 17, 2011

I got snubbed by my kid

Yesterday was the gut-wrenching day that all working mothers abhor. The first day of dropping my sweet baby off with a trusted friend and returning to the office to work. It went like this...

Me: She probably needs to go down for a nap soon. Here's her food. You'll know when she gets tired because she will fall down a lot and she might start getting kind of slappy, and biting.

Stacy (the babysitter who has a daughter and knows exactly what she's doing...): OK, we'll be fine! Don't worry, I've disinfected the whole house, everything is childproofed, and I have this lovely brand new pack and play and high chair for Lakeland. It's going to be great!

Me: Maybe I should try to put her down for a nap...?

Stacy (sensing I need reassurance): OK, if you want to, but I can totally put her down.

Me (tentatively, and really trying to stall): Well, OK, let me just feed her quick.

Meanwhile, Lakeland was laughing and playing with the cats and dog and checking out her new environment with the kind of fervor only a 15 month old who still wakes up many times per night can muster. Of course I thought that she was going to be as devastated as I was when I left. She just didn't know it yet. (Prfffft)

I finally made my way towards the door, after an outburst of tears (from me, not Lakeland) and headed to work. Where I watched the clock and wondered "Is she napping OK?" and other motherly stuff like that.

Throughout the day, I received text message updates and pictures of Lakeland playing with Haily, Stacy's daughter, looking happy as can be, and my worry subsided a bit.

Later, another picture of Lakeland sleeping peacefully further reassured me. But still, I was antsy to get back to her. I was sure Lakeland was missing me as much as I was missing her... (Prfffft)

Finally, when I burst through Stacy's door, expecting a huge hug and enthusiastic waves and extended cuddle time from my daughter, I was instead greeted with an almost disregard for my presence. Lakeland sort of looked at me as if I have been gone for just moments, and proceeded to race after the cat, squealing and laughing and pointing. I barely got a glance. Feeling both relieved and rebuffed, I made plans to bring her back next week.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

I'm a battered wife...

It's the weirdest. Every time Seth and I go through a drive-thru, I end up feeling like a battered wife.
It goes like this:

Drive thru guy: Can I take your order?
Seth (quickly & efficiently): Yep, I'll have a double stack, a large iced tea, a chicken nugget and a fry.
Drive thru guy: Is that all?
Seth: Nope, we also need...(and then he looks at me expectantly)
Me: Ummmmm....I'lllllllllll....haaaaaaaaaaave....theeeeeeeeeeee....ummmm......a......
Seth (all super annoyed with me) - to the drive thru guy: Hang on! (trying to prompt me by looking at me and bobbing his head like how chickens peck at grain)
Me: (kind of nervous, feeling rushed, and trying to frantically read the dollar menu before I get yelled at...) OK, I want bacon cheeseburger....and.........
Seth - (whispering without whispering, in that quiet but loud way) to me: Oh my god, seriously? It's the same menu as always.
Me: I know, but you are making me all nervous. I cannot make a decision when I'm nervous. Just let me look a second. It' not that big of a deal.
Seth - (kind of apologetically) to the drive thru guy: Hang on! She doesn't know what she wants.
Me: And, I'll have spicy chicken nuggets...
Drive thru guy: What kind of sauce?
Me (all frantic again, trying to remember what my choices are): Um.....the mustard...the sweet...the honey mustard! And fries, please.
Drive thru guy: Is that all?
Seth (rolling his eyes at me like we've been in the drive through for an hour and a half, when it's really only been 2 minutes): Yes, that's it.

And then, when we get up to the window and we are waiting for stuff, I say to Seth, "Hey, can you get me a sweet and sour sauce too when the guy opens the window?"

Seth, in this highfaluting way says "No! If you wanted sweet and sour, you should have ordered it at the first window where you were supposed to order it...I'm not going to make that guy do extra work just because you didn't order what you wanted. "

To which I respond, "I did it on purpose Seth, because if you order extra sauce right away, you have to get in a big stupid argument with the drive thru guy over the goddamn microphone about how the nuggets only come with one sauce. Then you have to explain how you don't care, you need two sauces, and then they say 'well, you're gonna have to pay extra for that', and it's just a big hassle. But if you just wait until your food comes out, then ask real nice if you can get a sweet and sour sauce, it's not like they are going to ask you for a quarter. And it only takes one second for them to get the sauce for you."

And the way Seth looked at me, I knew he wasn't going to get me the sauce.

So then I said "Whatever. Just lean your head back when the guy comes with our food, and I'll ask him myself for the sauce. Why are you such a drive thru dick?"

Then the window opened and I got my sauce.

Erin and Seth - One year anniversary

Erin and Seth - One year anniversary
$5 Mojito's!