On an etch-a-sketch... |
Straight upright on a couch... |
In a restaurant... |
To wit:
- Perhaps a big, cozy bed would be the magic spell that coaxed her to sleep through the night and stay out of our room?
- If we got a bed with underneath storage, we would no longer have to trip over 47 thousand toys.
- It might be nice to have a place for our guests to sleep.
In the midst of making Valentines... |
In transit... |
While coloring... |
For my part, I thought the mattress on the floor was awful because:
1. It was too small for her.
2. It was too sad...sleeping on a mattress on the floor (on a permanent basis) is like squatting in your own home.
3. It looked shitty, aesthetically speaking.
Seth thought the mattress on the floor was great because:
1. It could be moved around to provide "fun" locations to sleep.
2. He used to sleep in weird places when he was a kid, so she might like to as well.
3. After hearing my argument that the mattress was too small, he measured her, and then measured the square footage of her mattress, and then he measured himself and the square footage of half of our mattress, and concluded that she had more allotted sleeping area than he did, and therefore it was plenty of room. (Which was smart of him to do by way of argument, but I still thought it was a bit dickish).
Look at this poor thing... |
This is why, night after night, I'd make a cozy little nest for her next to my side of the bed. And at some point, upon waking in a pile of toys, Lakeland would stumble in with her blanket and lay down and go right to sleep.
Then I found out that it bothered Seth that Lakeland was in our room. Every night. For over three years. Like, really bothered him. He said it was because she should be in her own room because she's not a baby, and because our room is for us, etc., etc., etc. I'm pretty sure part of his angle was that, with Lakeland out of our room, there'd be a chance of morning sex. Pfffffft... we're not dating anymore, honey.
In the end, we did what we always do, and made a deal/bet. (Some married people call this "compromising" but we do better competing.) Lakeland had to spend ten nights in her room, in a row, by herself, and she/I would earn a big girl bed.
Our bet did not include parameters on how I could go about executing this task. So I went out and bought a king size bottle of Benedryl...ten days later, that bed was mine. I mean hers.
Seth, I am quite sure, would have a different take on this scenario. Well guess what? This is my blog. He can get his own forum.