We went from Superbowl Sunday to "Super" Monday, to sloppy Tuesday. Well, the rest of the world calls it Super Tuesday for political purposes, but it also happened to be the Tuesday before Ash Wednesday, which meant one last chance for Seth and I to indulge in things that are bad for us before giving them up for 40 days.
I went to Wendy's for lunch and got a small fry, a junior cheeseburger and a small chili. In 20 days, I will be cursing myself for not getting a large fry. Unfortunately, while in the drive thru this jackass behind me was in a mad rush. All of a sudden, I hear "PULL FORWARD"; direction which I did not follow, as there was a freaking car in front of me. Then this jerk just decides he will straight up slam in to the bumper on our BRAND NEW CAR (which was not being driven legally due to the colorado plates that are registered nowhere)!
And I never rage in the car; I am not a beeper or flipper offer, or any other lude gesture kind of person, but I did whip my middle finger right straight up at that guy and he was SCARED.
Later that night, as it was Seth's last chance to do shots for 40 days, we went to pool league and...Seth did shots. A lot of them. And though my eyelids had been trying to slam shut since about 8pm, I managed to stay at the bar until 12:10, because Seth was so very entertaining. I was laughing at him, and in retaliation, he "threatened" to sit at the bar and do more shots (but no sooner had the words left his mouth, he was whispering in my ear "just one shot, my babe").