Friday, February 29, 2008

A fun little comparison...

This is what my new office looks like. The chill area, the lobby, the dining area where we all eat lunch together on Friday's, and a picture of me getting coffee in the morning.

This is what my old office looked like...

It sucked.

Monday, February 25, 2008


Seth and I ended our 2-week streak of being Friday night Fish Fry Floozies. Like last year when we got over excited for church-style fried and baked fish and absolutely gorged ourselves, then proceeded to spend the rest of the evening burping and trading seats in the bathroom, history repeated itself. We again made a pact that we were done with fried fish until the end of lent.

We dropped by Shea and Matt's place for a few after the fish fry, with a short stop at Rob and Jacoba's in between, to help prep for Matt's art show.

Saturday was a little more eventful, with Seth traveling with friends and fools to the 3rd annual Michigan Beer Fest. Beer consumption started early in the afternoon and even though Seth ran into Miles, normally a very very very bad influence, he somehow managed to maintain just a lovely buzz all through the day and night, with no belligerence in sight. However, the rest of the group met a fate that was different altogether.

I met up with Seth, Adam, Ben "AG", and Ben's cousin at Gardella's at about 5:30, then on Hopcat for a cocktail, then to see Brooke at her bar, then to the Black Rose for a Guinness, and then to Mulligans. Todd and Nick joined the group at different points in the journey, and we left...

THIS ENTIRE PORTION OF THE BLOG HAS BEEN EDITED...(it was a funny story, but maybe not apropriate for the majority!)

The next 45 minutes were spent looking for Mike, who was "dead at yesterdog", then reading 4 pages of a book in a random coffee shop, then cabbing around grand rapids, catching catnaps on the porches of the only two places he knew of in GR before being 'rescued' by a cabbie who dropped him at the whore house of a hotel on Division.
Having all survived Saturday, we celebrated on Sunday morning by going to breakfast at Wolfgang's, where Seth read an excerpt of the beer festival article from the GR Press, only he inserted "Tang" everywhere beer was written, as Mike could not tolerate anything beer related.

The rest of the day was relatively uneventful...Seth went to see a world renowned master of Tai Chi at "Bally's" and to a movie with T-digg, and I rolled to the parents house for dinner with the fam. Not a bad weekend!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Rhyme Thyme

I have recently been assigned the position of figuring out themes of our work family potlucks on Friday. Here's what I'm thinking of right now...Rhyme Thyme.
So there is a list, and the first person to write down a food has an easy job. They just make what they signed up for. BUT, each person to sign up after that has to rhyme part of their menu idea with the person's above. For example, if I say I'm making


The next person would might sign up for...

Torn up pieces of bread

Then, perhaps

Red beans

and then...

Dean's sausage biscuits

I mean, yeah, it would be a super weird food combo for lunch, but at the end of the day, it's about team building, right? So the person on the top of the list would be scorned for saying they were bringing Falafel, but the rest of the team "builds" on how best to torture that person. Vua-la! Team building!

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Sloppy Tuesday

We went from Superbowl Sunday to "Super" Monday, to sloppy Tuesday. Well, the rest of the world calls it Super Tuesday for political purposes, but it also happened to be the Tuesday before Ash Wednesday, which meant one last chance for Seth and I to indulge in things that are bad for us before giving them up for 40 days.
I went to Wendy's for lunch and got a small fry, a junior cheeseburger and a small chili. In 20 days, I will be cursing myself for not getting a large fry. Unfortunately, while in the drive thru this jackass behind me was in a mad rush. All of a sudden, I hear "PULL FORWARD"; direction which I did not follow, as there was a freaking car in front of me. Then this jerk just decides he will straight up slam in to the bumper on our BRAND NEW CAR (which was not being driven legally due to the colorado plates that are registered nowhere)!
And I never rage in the car; I am not a beeper or flipper offer, or any other lude gesture kind of person, but I did whip my middle finger right straight up at that guy and he was SCARED.
Later that night, as it was Seth's last chance to do shots for 40 days, we went to pool league and...Seth did shots. A lot of them. And though my eyelids had been trying to slam shut since about 8pm, I managed to stay at the bar until 12:10, because Seth was so very entertaining. I was laughing at him, and in retaliation, he "threatened" to sit at the bar and do more shots (but no sooner had the words left his mouth, he was whispering in my ear "just one shot, my babe").

Monday, February 4, 2008

Super Monday

Yet another New York team stands on's a bummer. Seth and I met Todd and Kyleen at an establishment on the west side for drinks last night and Seth brought along "my buddy", who is one corrupted little kid.

This morning, Seth didn't get out of bed. He said it was cool though, because today is "Super Monday", which means that it's acceptable to show up late to work with a serious hangover. I'm not sure where he got that. Whatev...

Erin and Seth - One year anniversary

Erin and Seth - One year anniversary
$5 Mojito's!