Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Rhyme Thyme

I have recently been assigned the position of figuring out themes of our work family potlucks on Friday. Here's what I'm thinking of right now...Rhyme Thyme.
So there is a list, and the first person to write down a food has an easy job. They just make what they signed up for. BUT, each person to sign up after that has to rhyme part of their menu idea with the person's above. For example, if I say I'm making


The next person would might sign up for...

Torn up pieces of bread

Then, perhaps

Red beans

and then...

Dean's sausage biscuits

I mean, yeah, it would be a super weird food combo for lunch, but at the end of the day, it's about team building, right? So the person on the top of the list would be scorned for saying they were bringing Falafel, but the rest of the team "builds" on how best to torture that person. Vua-la! Team building!

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Erin and Seth - One year anniversary

Erin and Seth - One year anniversary
$5 Mojito's!