Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The Best Thing Happened...

My friend Jacoba and I were talking about Real Simple magazine, and how unrealistic their "Get it Done in 15 Minutes" articles are. They have this minute by minute breakdown of how to clean your huge bookshelves in 15 minutes, or clean and detail your car in 15 minutes. It is so dumb. Who has a latter, unfolded and waiting for use, sitting in their living room, or a shop vac next to their car at all times?

Anyway, so I ordered the magazine for my friend, so that we can have monthly competitions to see who gets more crap done in 15 minutes. And I filled out the order form to be sent to:

Jacoba Clean It Alderink.

And they misread it.

And now she is receiving 12 months of Real Simple magazine addressed to:

Jacoba Cleantit Alderink

Which is worth every penny.

1 comment:

Jacoba said...

This makes me laugh STILL. And the irony is there's not much to talk about when mentioning my tits as it is. ;) But they are clean.

Erin and Seth - One year anniversary

Erin and Seth - One year anniversary
$5 Mojito's!