Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Normal People Stuff

LL's first day of school.
Ever since Lakeland started preschool, there have been:  
A.  A bunch of snow days and 2 hour delays.  As of this writing, she's been in school for a grand total of 22 hours.
B.  A bunch of people that have asked me what I'm doing with myself now that I have all of this newfound free time.
This got me thinking.  What have I been doing with all of this free time?  And I figured out I've just been doing normal people stuff.  The following are 5 things I've done in my 14 hours of free time.  (Figure on 1/2 hour driving to and from school each day because I refuse to make her a late person even though lateness is my natural tendency, and because I am terrified of being late to pick her up.)

1.  This. Right here. Blogging. Boom.

2.  Dishes and laundry.  Without interruptions.  Holy. Shit. I am the Flo-Jo of chores.

3.  Watching "The League", which you really can't watch with a kid around, even a sleeping kid, because it's so horribly and hilariously offensive.  And yes, I realize I'm 4 years late discovering the show...I keep excitedly asking people "Hey!  Have you ever watched 'The League?"  And they're all, "Yeah.  I've watched it.  All. FOUR. Seasons." (Seriously though, if you haven't watched funny.)
I heart you, Terry Gross.

4. (To culturally balance out #3) Listening to NPR.  Like, actually listening and gaining information and finding myself engaged and entertained.  I forgot how much I love Terry Gross.

5. There is no #5.  It's only been 14 hours, people!

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Erin and Seth - One year anniversary

Erin and Seth - One year anniversary
$5 Mojito's!