Tuesday, May 6, 2014


We play a game in my family called "Same Car!"  It goes like this:
  • If we see our same car (a Honda Element), we yell out "SAME CAR!" and if it's the same color as ours (black), we yell either "SAME CAR! DOUBLE!" or "SAME-SAME CAR!"
  • If we see a car like my mom's (LL calls her "Nama"), we yell "NAMA CAR!"
  • Then there are the occasional other vehicles thrown in... "Toddfather Car!", "Miss Jenny's Car!", "Jack and Will Car!"
Whoever yells first, wins. And we keep score of how many cars we identify.  Every day. Because this is a family of fierce competitors.  Just last night while playing UNO, Lakeland laid a draw two on her dad and said "Boom. I am JACKING fools."  (I realize and appreciate that this type of expression is inappropriate for a three year old. Unless we're playing cards. She's allowed to talk shit while playing cards, and she follows this rule fairly well.) We pretty much turn anything that can be remotely competitive into a competition.

Anyway, back to "SAME CAR!" There are dire consequences if you misidentify a car.  They involve dropping and doing push-ups, wherever you may be at the time of your blunder. For instance, while walking to the car from the grocery store, I busted out "Nama Car!" and was immediately called on the carpet for my error.  But I play by the rules, and so I set down my items right there in the parking lot and did 3.5 push-ups. LL was as delighted to see me pay up as she was to have corrected me. 

The other night, Seth (a.k.a. Best. Dad. Ever.) mentioned that he'd like us to take Lakeland on a special trip.  To a car dealership.  So she can yell out "SAME CAR" or "NAMA CAR" 80 thousand times. Which would make her, and all of us really, so very happy.  I think we are going to take her for her birthday. 

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Erin and Seth - One year anniversary

Erin and Seth - One year anniversary
$5 Mojito's!