Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Just a plastic dinosaur...

There is a small, plastic dinosaur that lives on the rim of my kitchen sink.  I love that stupid dinosaur.  Lakeland put it there one day and said it was "to keep me company while I do the dishes". 

While I am scraping plates, washing the coffee pot, rinsing out whatever needs to be rinsed out, scrubbing pans, or just standing at the sink talking, that little dinosaur looks up at me with his indents-for-eyes, shimmering green and brown skin, and one streak of red paint that was accidently splashed on him during the millionth time I cleaned preschool-size paintbrushes, and reminds me to:

Be Kind.  For no particular reason.

Notice stuff.  Especially little stuff.

Let there be a little clutter.  Everything doesn't have to be perfect.

Gift the things I have to give.  Affection doesn't need to be wrapped up in a big, fancy package.

Feel Love.

Now go forth and spread joy.  Hand out wads of your own version of trinkets.  It'll be so fun.  

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Erin and Seth - One year anniversary

Erin and Seth - One year anniversary
$5 Mojito's!